Sermon Synopsis for 3/20 (Palm Sunday): Why are You Untying that Colt? Luke 19:31&33


Some of life’s biggest events would’ve never taken place had they not been preceded by some of life’s most seemingly insignificant incidents. Who would’ve ever guessed that when one of our church couples was driving down Bushkill Center Rd. and saw a front yard sign advertising an antiques sale, that within a year, our church family would own and be worshiping in that showroom – now our sanctuary?

Who would’ve ever guessed that when a friend of mine invited me to come to work where she did, that three years later, I’d end up marrying the very woman she asked me to replace? That’s right, Mari and I had met at a mental health clinic. How could she not go nuts over me? 🙂

Today’s Palm Sunday sermon underscores the point that seemingly insignificant incidents may culminate in big events; in this instance, one of history’s greatest events. And interestingly enough, it all began with the equally innocuous question, “Why are you untying that colt?”

Why not come out this Sunday to hear how the insignificant mushroomed into the momentous?

