Sermon Synopsis Sunday May 7: “When God Disciplines, Wise People Listen”


The Bible verse my mom frequently applied – usually to the seat of my pants – was Proverbs 23:13 (KJV): “Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die;” although sometimes I think I saw some angels fast approaching.

Of course, she followed up her disciplinary action with the familiar parental, conscience-salving rationalization, “This is going to hurt me more than it is you.” Twice I retorted, “May we switch roles to test your theory?” A second spanking quickly ensued.
Now don’t get me wrong, had I misbehaved? Twice if I recall; 3 times, tops. Then I turned two and the family abacus couldn’t keep tally. But the more apt question is, did I deserve this discipline? Undoubtedly. Yet this does not mean there weren’t times my mom erred in executing discipline. She, like every mom, acted out from her limited knowledge.

The Bible says this: “Our parents disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how.” My mom was doing the best she knew how; and in the process, she taught me a lot about life. For example, she taught me about logic when she’d state, “If you fall off that ladder and break your legs, then don’t coming running to me.” She instructed me in religion; she’d say, “You better pray your father’s in a good mood when he gets home and hears about what you did today.” And an even clearer religious message when she’d shout, “If you don’t straighten up and fly right, right this minute, I’m going to knock you into Kingdom Come.” Mom prepared me for eternity, as I routinely found myself at its doorstep.

On a far more serious note – beyond the fact I misbehaved as a youth, and still do – it’s no longer my deceased mom whom I’m disappointing, it’s my Heavenly Father. When I disobey Him, whether willfully or even when unaware, He does what all good parents do, He disciplines. But unlike our imperfect earthly parents, He disciplines Perfectly! Mom – and dad – did what they thought was right; God can’t do anything but right. Completing the Bible verse I scripted earlier: “God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in His Holiness.” Our earthy parents spanked us so we would grow up to be more responsible people. God disciplines us so we can take on more of His Likeness.

Why not come out this Sunday to hear more on this oft-neglected subject in the sermon I’ve entitled, “When God Disciplines, Wise Christians Listen.”
